11 Things To Know about Batik of Indonesia: Types and Production process

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Batik Of Indonesia: History

The History Of Batik in Indonesia

People believe that Batik comes from Ancient Egypt or Sumeria. Batik technique extends in several countries in West Africa such as Nigeria, Cameroon and Mali, as well as in Asia, such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Iran, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

History of Batik In Indonesia is closely Related to Majapahit Kingdom through the spread of Islam Religion in Java. Art of Batik had been developed in the Era of Sultan Mataram and continued to the Era of Sultan Surakarta In Yogyakarta.

Until the early 20th Century, There is Only Traditional Painted Batik (Handmade Batik), The new one which is known batik cap or Printed batik was existed after the World War I in 1920.

Types Of Batik based on Manufacturing Process 

These are some types of Batik based on Manufacturing Process. There are two types of batik that don't need Machine in the painting process. Handmade Batik is the traditional one, which is made by manual painting. 

Batik Cap is made with the help of patterned stamp. The process of making Batik sablon is easier and faster than manual painted batik. However, there is still an easiest way to make batik which is helped by printer machine called batik sablon.

Handmade Batik

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batik lukis handmade painted batik

Handmade Batik is the Traditional Painted Batik without the aid of a machine. Fabric Material Used are usually Mori cloth, Cotton or Silk. The process of how to make handmade batik is quite complicated. There are many steps, it begins with basic motif that painted with pencil than painted with liquid wax, covering with liquid wax, drying process, coloring process with dyeing technique. Thicken the painting with liquid wax. 

The complicated process of making this type of batik become the reason why this batik is more expensive than other type of Batik.

Batik Cap ( Batik Stamp)

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Batik Cap or Stamped Batik

Just Like it's name, the process of making this batik is by the help of stamp. The purpose of this process is to speed up or accelerate the production. The first step is preparing some stamp with wanted pattern then paste the stamp on the Fabric Material. The negative side of this batik compared to handmade batik or painted batik is The pattern is not translucent on both sides of the fabric.

Batik Sablon (Printed Batik)

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printed batik

This is the easiest way to make batik, it is just like printing a book with the help of printer. There are many manufactures in Indonesia that produces Batik Sablon, But there are still Thousand families that still produce handmade batik. Handmade batik is still the best because of course it comes with pure art. 

Types Of Batik based on Indonesia Region 

These are 4 types of Batik based on the region they are made. You can see the differences of them by the pattern. 

Batik Pekalongan

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                        Batik Pekalongan

Batik Pekalongan is usually have like leaf pattern or flower Pattern and it has a strong color usually are red and black. This pattern of course influenced by the Pekalongan Culture.

Batik Cirebon

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Batik Cirebon

Batik Cirebon comes with like abstrack pattern just like image of island. The color of Batik Cirebon usually like this image, blue and yellow. But there are many others pattern of Batik Cirebon that of course also influenced by Cirebon culture.

Batik Jogja

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Batik Jogja

Batik Jogja usually comes like this picture. The colors are not too bright. Indonesian usually wear this batik in formal situation, like wedding party or nationality ceremony.

Batik Solo

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Batik Solo

Batik solo comes with less pattern and color.

The Most Expensive Batik Ever sold

1. Batik Corak Belanda (Dutch Pattern)
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The Most Expensive Batik Ever sold-Batik Corak Belanda

This Batik ever sold about Rp.100 Millions or about 7500 USD. 

2. Batik 3 Pattern 
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The Most Expensive Batik Ever sold- Batik 3 warna

This Batik ever sold about Rp.100 Millions or about 7500 USD. 
