Learning Bahasa Indonesia Greeting and General Things

Greeting Basic 

There are many ways to greet someone with Bahasa Indonesia. These are several ways to greet someone in daily conversation.

This is the real daily conversation if you want to communicate with Indonesian people. Indonesian People are rarely to say something like "Nice to  meet You". So, if you meet someone, you can say hallo and followed by your Name.

Greeting someone you never met
"Hallo..Saya Andrew" Means Hi My Name is Andrew

You Can Respond to this by saying:

"Hallo..Saya Jhon" Means Hi My Name Is Jhon

That is the simplest way to introduce or greet a person you never met.

You Can Play this Short Video to Learn How To Pronounce Them!

Another Common Question to ask Is:

"Anda Kerja Dimana?" Means What do you do for a living
Look at word "Anda" You can remove that word too and just saying "Kerja dimana?"

You can respond to this by saying:

"Saya Kerja di Bank" Means I work at a Bank
"Saya Mengajar di sekolah" Means I am a school Teacher
"Saya Kerja di Pertamina" Means I work at Pertamina

When you meet someone, and you want to ask his/her name, you can say:

"Siapa Namamu?" Means Who is Your Name?
"Boleh Tahu Namamu?" Means May i Have your Name?

If you want he/she to repeat, You can say:

"Siapa?" Means who?

These are some example of the very basic Bahasa Indonesia Greeting that you can use when talking to someone you never met before.

Watch This Short Videos To Learn To Pronounce them!
